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Green Knight Medieval Immersion

  • Hoplologia WMA 11756 Meyers Hill Rd Forestport, NY, 13338 United States (map)

Green Knight 2024


Sure, you’ve been to ten Red Knight events.  But Green Knight?

 (Registration below, scroll down)

Green Knight is intended as the first of a series of immersive Medieval events with elements of archery, outdoor skills, arimizare fighting, and LARP, as well as a bonfire, a feast on the grass ala Gaston Phoebus, and a host of other delights (like deer flies).

The event will be held in Forestport NY August 23-26.

Scenario: This year’s event will focus around a noble hunting camp placed in a somewhat Arthurian wilderness.  The wilderness of the Middle Ages was a fantastical place anyway…

The hunt has been organized by Count Gwaire D’Entremonts, a well-known hunter and retired condotierre.  If you are coming, you automatically know the count and are welcome.  Please include that in your bio.

Persona/Character: Please come with a character that matches your kit.  Flesh the character out a little; name, background, social status, relation to other characters.  Stay simple and authentic to the period 1380. The hunt will level social status to some extent, so don’t be afraid to be an archer or spearperson or retired camp follower. The count is very hospitable.

Cost: $0.00 (Free)

Limitations and Requirements:

·       Every participant should bring AT LEAST one gallon of drinking water for every day they plan to attend. Each participant needs to have a LOUD WHISTLE and a compass.  Getting lost here is a greatest danger.

·       Camping will be primitive and the location is miles from any running water or electricity. There will be porta-johns

·       You need to bring and cook your own food.  Firwood will be available although you may have to do some work to get it.

·       You will be able to drive your kit right up to your camp site BUT you will have to be patient about the road as there’s only one way in and out.  Check in on arrival at the parking lot and we’ll cycle you into the traffic flow.  Please, when you arrive in camp, unload AFAP and get back out; set up later.

·       Come prepared for rain.  We’ll play on regardless of weather.  If the forecast says 4 days of rain, we’ll probably cancel, so stay tuned.

·       Registration is limited to 35 people.  Please register early. If you have to cancel, please inform us.

·       There will be some combat opportunities available.  Bring Armizare equipment if you like, but it is not essential. That includes safety equipment/armour/fencing helmets.

·       There will be archery opportunities. Bring a bow or crossbow and boffer/blunt arrows if you want to participate in those activities

·       Ditto axe throwing.

·       You will have to sign a waiver. 



·       A boar hunt (Actually a watermelon hunt.  You’ll see)

·       An archery walk (Blunts, please)

·       An archery competition (Target arrows)

·       An axe-throwing competition

·       A long walk in the woods in kit.  Experience wearing plate armour in the wilderness!

·       A chivalric contest on a beaver dam.  (Bonus activity, cleaning your armour when you fall in)

·       Some wilderness navigation

·       A skirmish in deep wilderness (bows, light armour, steel)

·       A bonfire, music, wine, and revelry.

·       A feast outdoors, on the grass, in the manner of Gaston Phoebus



Thursday—arrive, camp set up, get in kit.  Thursday evening we’ll all introduce our personas at the central campfire.

Friday –Boar hunt, guided in-kit exploration walks, picnic lunches.  Opportunities for character building, relationship building, and getting used to this whole LARP thing with minimum pressure. Friday night volunteers can go out on a long walk to stay in a ‘ranger camp’ overnight to get a taste of trekking or just enjoy the Wyld.

Saturday—Archery contest, Axe-Throwing contest, wilderness skirmish, Beaver dam fight and a longer walk into the wilderness. Late afternoon feast and evening bonfire.

Sunday – Wrap up to the LARP, archery walk, wilderness navigation. Done by noon.

Earlier Event: May 24
Deed of the May Queen 2024
Later Event: October 17
Deed of the Red Knight 9